Sunday, August 21, 2011

Explaining Pignano

The place I've been at for nearly 4 weeks is called Villa Pignano. And it is really strange. Set on the top of a Tuscan hill, an old castle hosts guests in a fancy hotel of sorts. Some 30 or 40 people work at the villa and more or less dine together for lunch and dinner. Although not always the case, a week ago there were 8 wwoofers here (people like me who work for our meals and quarters). We all sleeping in the woods in a teepee and tents (see pic below). The workers, some of whom live in cottages near to but separate from the main castle, include a baker (Zak), a farmer (Ranieri), a horse person (Joanna), an herb specialist (Mara), a barman (Gregorio), the gardener (Lupo), not to mention countless others for laundry/kitchen, general upkeep. The community is incredibly international (Australia, Ireland, Romania, US, Argentina, El Salvador, etc). Some people are temporary. The boss (although not the owner of the villa) is a sort of matriarch figure, her name is Pushpa (her spiritual name), who leads and organizes virtually everything. There is so many other things I could explain, like names, and what the wwoofers do, and what kind of amenities we enjoy, but I think I will save those for personal conversation between you and I, if you care to hear.

Here are some pictures...


  1. Good read. Saw your sister today. She immediately looked away as soon as I did.

  2. What? She knows you! I'll have to say something about this. haha.
